Women’s Health Gynecology

Women's health refers to the branch of medication that focuses on the treatment and analysis of diseases and circumstances that affect a woman's physical and emotional well-being. Women's health has been defined as "a patchwork quilt with gaps". Whereas part of this is due to their reproductive and sexual health needs, they also have more chronic non-reproductive health issues such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, mental illness, diabetes and osteoporosis.

Women are particularly esteemed at the two extremes of life as young women and adolescents are at risk from unsafe abortion, STIs and pregnancy while older women often have few basics and are impaired with respect to men, while they also are at exposure of dementia and abuses and mostly leading to poor health. Eat whole grains and high-fiber foods and choose leaner cuts of meat, fish, and poultry. Include low-fat dairy products in your diet as well - depending on your age, you need between 800 and 1,500 milligrams of calcium daily to–assist avoid osteoporosis.


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    April 07-08, 2025

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    Toronto, Canada
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    36th European Heart and Heart Failure Congress

    Paris, France
    September 15-16, 2025

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    Aix-en-Provence, France
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    21st Global Biomarkers and Clinical Research Summit

    Paris, France
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    3rd International Conference on Oral Health and Dentistry

    Zurich, Switzerland
    October 30-31, 2025

    6th International Conferences in COPD & Lung Disease

    Paris, France
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    5th Euro-Global Summit on Probiotics & Nutraceuticals

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    4th Global Conference on Aging and Gerontology

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